Wednesday, August 1, 2018

day fifteen: cut bank to chester (120km)

The words for today are "hot and insanely dry". Finally now starting to cool down. Ran out of water half way here from Shelby. Tried a grain silo where there were obviously people working -- I could hear their voices -- but I couldn't work out where they were. Ended up getting water from the cooler in the basement of the adjacent (unlocked but empty) Lutheran church. (Turned out I had to use the cooler; when I went to use the toilet I discovered that the pipes were off.)

It got hot fast after I left town, around 8:45 after a visit to the local Albertsons. On the way, chatted to a tourist who'd stopped at the side of the road. He filled my empty water bottle with Gerber's baby water, which I'd never heard of. He said it was " processed differently" than "regular water" and he understood it to be healthier.  Reaching Shelby, I stopped for a drink at the gas station, then bought another, and looked up what baby water is. Turns out to be unflouridated. Leaving town I decided I was hungry so I went back to the one restaurant in town, where I proceeded to drink several more glasses of water. The food (biscuits and gravy, hash browns, and eggs)would have tasted good except that it wasn't warm at all.

Quite disappointed that I saw no Amtrak train, despite following the rail line all day. I should have seen the eastbound late morning and the westbound early evening. I know that the trains especially on this route are often wildly off schedule, but still. Lots of BNSF freight trains.

Got to town just before 7pm. Checked out the Lions Park, which did not appear to be open for tenting. Asked a couple at the supermarket, who gave me (bad) directions to the city park, which does. It's not nearly so nice as the one in Eureka, but it is a safe, cheap place to sleep, for which I'm grateful. Just have to get away before the sprinklers come on in the morning.

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