Tuesday, August 14, 2018

day twenty-seven: erskine to bemidgi (103km)

The wind was still pretty crazy when I got up and tried to put the tent away. Over the course of the day the wind graduałly shifted to the west and became a tailwind, if a somewhat unreliable one. Heat was crazy so I took things easy. Car stopped and asked if I needed something, and offered to tow me. "I have a 15ft rope. I've done it before." I politely declined and said that all I was short on was water. He gave me his coffee. Half an hour later he was back with bottled water, OJ, potato chips and cheese!  Another car stopped and offered to throw my bike in the back.

Called the campground where Sherry and Wayne, whom I met the othet side of Devil's Lake, were staying. Sure enough they had a tent site for me, but I had to pay over the phone as the owner was heading to bed. (This was 8pm.) Took the route through town and crossed the mighty Mississippi -- all 15m of it, a largish stream. Arrived at the campground at dusk to find Wayne in the washroom. Tent site was nice and set back from the RV spaces. Didn't bother with dinner.

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