Monday, August 13, 2018

day twenty-six: east grand forks to erskine (96km)

Had my most challenging -- and miserable -- day yet, with 37-38C temperatures and a cross-/headwind of 25-30km/h. Essentially the entire day I was in a low hill-climbing gear, struggling to make any progress. The wind was uncomfortable any time I'd stop to take a drink, and steering was occasionally awkward. A couple of times I thought maybe I'd broken another spoke, but it was just the craziness with the wind. At one point and for several minutes at least the smell of smoke (from Canada apparently) was quite strong -- the strongest I've experienced yet (though people have complained for days about the smoke).

My average speed for most of the day was 10km/h. People jog faster than that. It was like I was going up a hill that never ends. Didn't help that this part of Minnesota makes northwest Ohio look hilly, and there's pretty much nothing to stop the wind.

Had the good fortune to have an outfitters directly across the street from the Red River campground, so I was able to replace the white gas that had finally run out, after making it ałl the way from Vancouver. Second breakfast was at a coffee shop, which was a bit unfortunate as there was what looked like a popular diner down the road. Stopped to fill water bottles and buy something to drink every town I came to.

1 comment:

  1. Happy to hear you are still moving forward on your journey and are safe, healthy, with no major catastrophes. Our weather finally caught up with you! It has been extremely hot here, then some isolated thunderstorms blew through Saturday and all hell is breaking lose. Fires everywhere including north and west of Lake McDonald which has closed the Sun road on the west side and evacuations of Lake McDonald Lodge, Avalanche Campground and surrounding areas last night. The winds have died down today so hopefully they will be able to start suppression. We are safe here for the moment but that is my warning to get boxes of special stuff packed and out of here. Hope your journey gets better weather wise but I hear Minnesota has some mighty big mosquitoes! Kathy
