Tuesday, August 7, 2018

day twenty: wolf point to williston (166km)

Caught off guard by the time change at the border. Logically North Dakota should still be on Mountain time. Could not find the RV parks (two?) I was meant to be passing and arrived to town -- thanks to the new time zone -- much later than intended. Had a good mobile signal outside town (really, first city I've come to since Vancouver) but no connectivity once in town -- consequently left flying blind. So, again at a motel, but hopefully for the last time for a while. Oh, and the last bike shop here closed, but my most recent glue job on the shoe appears to be holding. Next bike shop is in Minot.

Cooler weather yesterday meant better progress; temperature was only 27C. Helpful gentleman directed me off onto old highway 2 before Culbertson. "You'll avoid a number of mini-mountains. Heck, this highway is so bad I'm going to go that way myself!" Thankfully this time the road stayed paved. Forced back onto the new highway just before Big Muddy Creek -- at a guess, the old bridge was no longer there. Temperatures are to reach 40 by tomorrow and stay there for a few days.

Had to bite my tongue a couple times in recent days. One time a shopkeeper, who did not know what he was talking about, held forth on socialism. Another time, at a restaurant, a man held forth on genetic modification like a real authority -- and, again, hadn't a clue. Probably should have held my tongue when the man at the diner in Culbertson asked if we had problems with "the Muslims" in Sweden, too. I said no, but the far-right basically neo-Nazi party is doing worryingly well in the polls ahead of next month's elections.

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