Saturday, August 11, 2018

day twenty-fivish: larimore dam to east grand forks (60km)

Spent nearly three hours at the bike shop but the mechanic got the freewheel all the way off, which the guy in Cranbrook thought couldn't be done. Till I visited the second shop to check for bike tires and got something to drink, it was after five. No campgrounds for some distance east so I stopped at the state park just over the bridge into Minnesota. The attendant who checked me in is studying accounting at UND.

Grand Forks is an insane sprawling mass of a city... endless business strips and four-lane avenues. Nice downtown district though. Part of it's closed tonight for a street fair, which I rode past. Someone told me it's a Prince tribute, which is odd because I've heard absolutely no Prince played... rather a mix of '80s and '90s stuff including Green Day, Twisted Sister, and Guns 'n Roses. It's still going strong, clearly.

Had to ask again to borrow a hammer to drive the stakes into the sandy soil. The guy invited me back for hamburgers. I have been such a bad vegetarian on this trip. Food in front of me, I eat.

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