Thursday, August 2, 2018

day sixteen: chester to chinook (140km)

After yesterday's grueling 25km of temporary road surface, the worst I had to deal with today was a bad pothole in Havre (pronounced differently by everyone I talk to!) that I didn't see. Cross my fingers on no damage to the wheels. The heat of the day had finally started to cool a bit till I reached Havre. Temperature was "down" to 36. Leaving Havre, there was a noticeable change in climate: the air was less dry, and I saw trees for pretty much the first time in three days. Campground that I first stopped at had no toilets on site so no tenting, but the owner directed me on to this city park -- the third I've stayed in now. Refilled my water bottle while I was there; boy, the sulphur content is high!

More (small!) towns today than yesterday -- nearly all off down side roads over the tracks, to the north -- so water was less of a problem. Think I never went more than 15km between towns. First town was the hardest for finding water; knocked on a door first, then the postmaster directed me to the adjacent (closed) "restaurant" ( more like bar), but then I hit it lucky at the Conoco car shop. The guy sold me peanuts; I got a soda out of his vending machine; and he directed me to the restroom to refill my bottles.

Tried to follow the signs to a restaurant in a later town -- no luck -- so I ended up having lunch (a very non-memorable turkey Swiss sandwich and crisps) at a bar on the main highway.

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