Thursday, July 19, 2018

day two: hope to crabbie creek (67km)

Have to check the name of the campsite I stayed at last night when I have a better Internet connection. (Still, no knocking free wifi!) No mobile signal most of the day yesterday and none at the campsite, so no way to do a blog entry. Generally poor progress, but I was pretty upset over my latest difficulties pursuing further education (or, really, retraining), plus I wasn't feeling so great after all the sun I took Tuesday, plus I was heading into the mountains -- so, major climbing. As the day wore on, I got off and walked a lot. Missed the campsite first time I passed, and the second, before I finally worked out where it had to be. It was not well marked. Worried how to hang my food; ended up putting it in the outhouse, which was rodent (and bear) proof. Woke early to the sound of trucks testing their brakes before the long uphill I had just recently climbed.

It was insanely windy when I woke in Hope -- to the extent that even walking was uncomfortable. Loudly cursed the world when my tent started to blow away. Even when I caught up to it it took all my effort to hold on. A woman saw (or likelier heard) my difficulties and came over to assist. I got the campground attendant to open the laundry room so I'd have somewhere to roll the tent up. In general everything took several times longer to do than normal, with the wind. Thankfully it was dying down till I got on my way, around noon.

Water was a real problem. Not only was it again difficult to drink it fast enough, but streams were few and far between, much of the day, and often down an impossible slope. Thankfully found water not long before the final ascent to the pass, but I still had just one liter till I got to the campsite and, despite the name, no creek in sight. My pasta this morning was... rather chewier than I like it. :-)

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