Monday, July 30, 2018

day thirteenish: talon trail (columbia falls) to sprague creek campground (47km)

No mobile signal this evening so writing this out by hand for later. Caught the shuttle bus from the visitor's center here so I could reserve a site, then cycled back and here againonce it was past four o'clock and the cycle ban lifted. Really needn't have worried; the other cyclidt/hiker site is still unclaimed. I'm pretty sure I could even have gone on to Avalanche Campground, even though it was officially full. My impression is that msny of the rangers don't know about these sites.

No oats for dinner tonight. I forgot to buy more in Whitefish. So I had the leftover pancakes Kathy made me instead. Must remember oatmeal tomorrow.

Feels seriously wrird to stop so early, but I figured the time to do Logan Pass is in the motning. Funny: tomorrow will be my last serious climb, my last real mountain -- although Bruce tells me the rest of Montana isn't as flat as I'm remembering it.

Couple of interesting conversations today. An attractive young man was oohing and ahing over my bike ("is that a custom-built bike?") when I stopped for lunch outside the park at the Wandering Gringo Cafe. And the woman behind the counter at the restaurant/gift shop/convenience store just outside the park entrance persuaded me to do the Going to the Sun Road after all ("you haven't been here before? oh, then you have to!"). Still, feeling lonely this evening after the wonderful conversations of thr ladt teo nights. Finding it hard to strike up a conversation here at the campground.

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