Saturday, July 28, 2018

day eleven: cranbrook to eureka (118km)

On the road again! Left Cranbrook 11am after second breakfast. Wheel rode well. Yet another day of essentially flat; could have gone further except for the hour I spent at the border. Typical. Cyclists get "special" treatment. Didn't maybe help that I had a lemon with me, though I declared it. Lemons are, I was told -- I kid you not -- an "invasive species". In any case, no citrus are allowed in. In the end I was told "welcome back".

Stopped just to get a drink at the petrol station in Jaffrey before turning south on a backroad to escape the traffic and shave off 5km. Back on the highway 24,km later, topped again, just for drinks and to spend down my Canadian money, at the "general store and Rliquor store" in unincorporated Grasmere: a V8, a Starbucks Frappuino, and -- quite by accident -- I. meant to get another V8 -- a Pepsi. (I don't really do soda.)

So strange crossing into the US. Suddenly everything is one extended business strip, most of the way from the border. Really wrird stuff to: golf courses, fancy pubs, RV resorts, a pizza place. This was long before I got to town. Passed the one campground north of town that showed on Google Maps but was not inpired; it was basically a glorified RV park and not such a nice one. Thankfully saw this municipal campground only because of all the tents already set up. Everyone staying here tonight is a cycle tourist. Sat and talked and shared wine with them for far too long.

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