Thursday, July 26, 2018

day nine: creston to lumberton (97km)

Big thing is I lost a spoke. Not surprised after that 30km downhill over temporary road surface. Happened along North Moyie Lake. Walked to the nearest campground, which looked lovely but was closed. The provincial park campground was full. Couldn't get a proper data signal to look for more options. Asked a woman walking her dog at a provate RV resort what she knew. She tried to be helpful and got her whole family involved but, in the end, her suggestion was to bang on the "shop" doors and ask if I could camp despite the camping prohibition. I couldn't get to the shop past a locked gate though and didn't think  I was too comfortable with the idea anyway.

Walked till midnight, when I was blinded by the lights of the lumbermill in Lumberton. Saw some folks out partying on their patio and stopped toask them for their advice. Ended up sleeping in the one person's backyard (amidst the dog poo!) and getting a ride to town this morning with another. Jesse is a welder at one of the local mines on a four-day on, four-day off schedule.

Still debating whether to cycle back to Lumberton and do that stretch. Part of me is still very much a white blazer, not a yellow blazer. 😉

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