Friday, September 7, 2018

day forty-nine: shippenville to curwensville recreational area (103km)

Decent cycling weather today, finally: still muggy but much less so, temperatures in the low 20s. Threatened to rain most of the day despite the insistence of the weather forecast that it almost certainly wouldn't.

Had second breakfast in Clarion, next town down the road from the campground. The sweet roll was the largest thing I've ever seen: four times the size of a conventional sweet roll and dripping with frosting.

Met up with Kammy in Brockville at the Opera House Cafe. Mike autographed a copy of his book while I downed two smoothies and he drank a coffee. (He had one person come to his book signing last night.) I was expecting a non-fiction book on climate change, but no, it's a parable inspired by Mark Twain and"The Day the Earth Did Still".

Cycled past a motel I stayed in when I cycled in from Ohio sometime in the late 1980s (still trying to remember precisely when). I remember marveling at the time at its undisturbed early 1950s furnishings, down to the TV sets. Was amazed to find that the motel is still there and still in business, with a bit of modernizing on the exterior.

Turned off 322 -- which in 1985 I'd followed the whole way to Harrisburg -- near the summit of Coal Hill to head south on 219. Was surprised to find a shortcut to Curwensville that Google Maps hadn't thought to mention. Stopped for groceries at the Dollar General in Curwensville (clearly an old industrial town with a large, mostly vacant-looking plant of some kind just outside town, and learned from a historical marker that the process of wrapping individual slice of cheese in plastic was invented here in the early 1950s).

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