Thursday, September 6, 2018

day forty-eight: two-mile park to shippenville (59km)

Rain started just as I was preparing to leave the campground at eight this morning. Tried twice to get started after the rain stopped, only to have the downpour start again. Finally gave up and cycled to town in it, 10km: my first wet ride of the entire trip. Got to town and tried calling Kammy ( my old high school science teacher) but although I had a good data signal, I could not make any calls. Sat at Tim Hortons and drank coffee, drying out while I watched the Kavanaugh hearings. Corey Booker had just announced that he was releasing "confidential" documents to the press, and he was fully prepared in case he gets thrown out of the Senate. All his DP colleagues on the committee backed him up. The questions put to Kavanaugh were mostly not that interesting nor the answers enlightening, though Senator Graham's were downright scary. He asked a series of leading questions (which Kavanaugh wisely sidestepped) saying that, regardless how one felt about abortion, Roe v. Wade was a horrible decision because it established the principle that the Supreme Court had completely unlimited power, barring a Constitutional amendment, to allow/disallowanything. It was the slippery-slope argument on steroids. "Your honor, is the word 'abortion' found anywhere in the US Constitution?" "No, it is not." "And yet they granted this unenumerated right, based on what?" It kinda went downhill from there.

Was still hungry, so I stopped in at an Italian restaurant for a pizza -- which was good, both because I could now call Kammy and because the rain, which I thought finally had stopped, began again in earnest, finally stopping for good a bit after one. It was now too late for Kammy to meet me -- he has his book-signing gig in State College tonight -- but hopefully tomorrow. I'm quite looking forward to reading his book (on climate change)!

The temperatures were better after the rain but the humidity just as high as before: nearly 100%. This meant that, when I climbed hills, I didn't have to walk (save once), but I had to stop frequently, because I was sweating so madly -- even though the temperature was only about 23. It's weird to have the temperatures so mild and yet feel so frigging hot.

Stopped early because I couldn't find any other campgrounds for quite some distance, at least along my preferred route of travel. Forecast for the next two days looks good though, before heavy rains on Sunday.

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